Shipping Policy

Free Shipping provides free shipping on all purchases! Whatever the order value it is eligible for Free Shipping if shipped with Standard Shipping (FedEx 2 Day).

Apart from above we charge as below for shipping.

– $25 and the merchandise is shipped with FedEx Overnight Shipping if the order value is below $2000.

– $40 and the merchandise is shipped with FedEx Overnight Shipping if the order value is between $2000 – $5000.

– $80 and the merchandise is shipped with FedEx Overnight Shipping if the order value is $5000 and up. provides free shipping on all purchases!

A signature is required at the time of delivery, so be sure someone is home to accept the package.


We know, jewelry is often purchased as a surprise and we will help to keep the secret as best we can.

We allow you to ship to an address other than your billing address. All we ask is that you have the alternative shipping address on file with your credit card company. To do this, simply call the 800 number on the back of your card and tell them you would like to add an alternative shipping address to your account.